About Me

My journey began for my love for the arts, all things drama and theatre. I found a way to grow in confidence and find a way to express myself through this medium. However, it wasn’t being myself, it was playing characters.

I followed this passion worked in Theatre backstage and later went into teaching. I taught Drama and English as a second language. Which led me to travel and explore and be in Spain what was meant to be two month but ended up as two years. I love working with children and adults too. Being creative in finding ways to speak a second language and build their confidence to speak.

I’ve travelled to a few places on my own; India and New Zealand. I find the more places I go, the list of places I want to go to keep going up.

I later went into schools and colleges as a supporting role for students with their mental health and wellbeing. It was at this time I was exploring my own personal development. This was when I learnt EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, meditation, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which fueled my mind and helped clear blocks and limiting beliefs. That lead me to go deeper into spiritual work too, such as Reiki, Chakrascension (Chakra healing) to work on my soul and raise my vibration. I then explored shadow and inner child work too to reconnect and create an inner bond to my child self and shadow self.

People could see this outer confidence I had but inside I didn’t feel it. It was like I was acting and was playing a role and not truly connected to my true essence. It was keeping me playing small in my life and I was questioning my ability all the time due to being told when I was younger I wasn’t “smart enough” from a teacher. As I worked on myself, past events and stories came up to the surface that I believed to be true but I now know is a false belief. It was using these tools and techniques I was able to give them my attention, heal and release them.

Through doing my own personal work I realised I wanted to share the tools and tecniques I have learnt on my path to support others to get out of their own way, reconnect to their true esssence, and go after their soul aligned purpose in life.

About Me

My journey began for my love for the arts, all things drama and theatre.

I found a way to grow in confidence and find a way to express myself through this medium. However, it wasn’t being myself, it was playing characters.

I followed this passion worked in Theatre backstage and later went into teaching. I taught Drama and English as a second language.

Which led me to travel and explore and be in Spain what was meant to be two month but ended up as two years.

I love working with children and adults too. Being creative in finding ways to speak a second language and build their confidence to speak.

I’ve travelled to a few places on my own; India and New Zealand. I find the more places I go, the list of places I want to go to keep going up.

I later went into schools and colleges as a supporting role for students with their mental health and wellbeing. It was at this time I was exploring my own personal development.

This was when I learnt EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, meditation, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which fueled my mind and helped clear blocks and limiting beliefs.

That lead me to go deeper into spiritual work too, such as Reiki, Chakrascension (Chakra healing) to work on my soul and raise my vibration.

I then explored shadow and inner child work too to reconnect and create an inner bond to my child self and shadow self.

People could see this outer confidence I had but inside I didn’t feel it. It was like I was acting and was playing a role and not truly connected to my true essence.

It was keeping me playing small in my life and I was questioning my ability all the time due to being told when I was younger I wasn’t “smart enough” from a teacher.

As I worked on myself, past events and stories came up to the surface that I believed to be true but I now know is a false belief. It was using these tools and techniques I was able to give them my attention, heal and release them.

Through doing my own personal work I realised I wanted to share the tools and tecniques I have learnt on my path to support others to get out of their own way, reconnect to their true esssence, and go after their soul aligned purpose in life.

Fancy Bio

Alix is an Empowerment and Mindset Coach for heart and soul-driven women that are ready to dream BIG and make a dramatic impact through the art of consciousness and intuition.

She helps women to get out of their own way with fear, doubt, procrastination, self sabotage, visibility and money blocks with deep dive coaching, EFT tapping, Reiki, Shadow work, meditation, forgiveness and energy work and meditations.

Alix’s mission is to empower women around the world to unleash the power from within them and truly fulfil their soul’s purpose with confidence and conviction to shine bright doing what they love.

# countries I have travelled to

# of countries I lived in

# swam with dolphins and whales

# number of theatre shows I have seen

As seen in .....

As seen in .....

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