Work with Me

Unlock your Soul’s Purpose

Raise your Vibe to Own your Power

Fully Embody your Unique Potential

Doing what you Love.

 I see you

You are empathetic, soulful and passionate and ready to show up fully to do what you love with your passions and purpose. You have heard the calling to make an impact in the world.

You have started your self development journey; you’ve read the books and your bookcase is starting to look like a mini library. You journal and have multiple funky notebooks that have your thoughts and ideas in.

However you are stuck with doubting yourself, have “high expectation hangovers”, not feeling enough, worried about what others will think of you and being hard on yourself. You think you are coming down with “comparisonitis” to others you aspire to be as you are not where you want to be.

You want ABUNDANCE, CLARITY and FREEDOM doing what you love in your life and soulful business.

But something is holding you back from reaching your full potential.

You have got so lost and don’t know where to begin.  You start to question that inner voice that has been your compass all along to wonder if it really is meant to be. You’ve spent so much time looking outside of yourself for the answers, however you have forgotten  the most important piece of the puzzle…..YOU!

It’s time to look inwards.





To heal the past experiences, false beliefs and mental constructs of the subconscious mind that has been limiting you and making you play small.

These are blind spots we don’t see in ourselves as they are either subconscious or unconscious.

With your very own emotional resilence toolkit and support in listening to your inner child, embracing your shadow and raising your vibration you can finally show up fully being your authentic self with confidence and conviction. 






Work with Me

Radiate Confidence 6 week program

How to radiate confidence 12 minutes a day to kill your inner critic.

Click below to Learn More to join the Waiting list to join


1:1 Coaching

Deep dive into what is stopping you from unlocking your full potential. Click below to Learn More about which package suits you and your intentions.

Inner Child and Shadow Work

Inner Child and Shadow work program coming soon!

What People Are Saying

Juvockia Melvin - Brand and Social Media Strategist

"Alix helped me with organising my ideas, to get a clear concept on my product idea and how I can be consistent with my process. Alix was able to breakdown where I needed to focus my attention and clear mental obstacles that I faced that distracted me.  I have so much clarity and focused I have now stepped out and got an onsite location for classes I run"

Alicia Hagan - Holistic Mama

"Alix really helped me overcome my fear of putting myself out there after a few yucky experiences on social media. I've never experienced tapping before but it as a lovely and opening experience. I was more motivated to get going and get back into ticking off my "to-do" list. I completed my "About Me" page copy which I was putting off for fear of putting myself out there."

Kimberley Wills

"Alix helped me realize the emotions that were obstructing me to reaching my goals. She gently helped me step by step go through the tired, old, blocking belief patterns and supported me on replacing the new, empowering ones. Bringing me more inner peace and clarity. It also gave me much more energy and focus to begin again, with a different energy and mindset." 

Jen Traxel- The Intuitive Mermaid-Lifestyle Coach

"I have been honoured to know Alix for over two years, and have got to experience first-hand her powerful healing work, coaching, EFT, NLP techniques.

I have always felt safe, supported and comforted by Alix, and she always has a way of looking at challenges that leave you feeling lighter and clearer.

She also has always inspired me, and her energy is soft, gentle & compassionate. If you're looking to shift your mindset, let go of old behaviour patterns and find confidence in who YOU are, you must connect with this gem!
I am grateful to know Alix, and would recommend her wholeheartedly!"

Cat Nyika

"I received a distant healing from Alix. I have to say it was one of the most peaceful, comforting and profound sessions I’ve had in a long time and I do a lot of this type of work! I felt incredibly calm, warm and fuzzy afterwards. I shared with Alix the issues and blocks I wanted to work on and I could literally feel which chakras were being worked on. Yesterday I faced one of the challenges I had wanted to face and I did so with grace and ease. Thank you Alix."

Esther M Inman- Esther Marie Creations

"Alix helped me understand I didn't need to ask permission for things I want and need in my life and business. That if something is difficult for me in my business then I have permission to make the changes I NEED."

Elizabeth Salazar-Business Coach

"Before having coaching with Alix I was working in circles. I have a great idea, then I get distracted from it, following other people's suggestions on how to start a business, then I come back to my first great idea and wonder why I didn’t get started on that. Through my sessions with Alix I was able to be laser focused and gained confidence in my ideas and follow through. I learn EFT with Alix and was a little skepitcal at first however it is a great technique. My goal was to sign my first client. In my time with Alix I actually signed up 2. I highly recommend Alix's work to anyone."

Nadia Papasidero

Alix is extremely caring and professional at the same time, she will hold you accountable whilst making you feel accompanied in the journey. If you're looking to work on your REAL goals, she is the right person for it! Very often in this society we are told that we always need to aim higher, without questioning our why, our values and our idea of well-being. I really enjoyed working with Alix to uncover these authentic yet forgotten sides of me, and I'm really grateful to her for it. I would recommend her to anyone looking to live a more authentic and fullfiling life 🙂 Thank you, Alix!

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Empowering and effective tools for you to show up with unshakeable confidence and purpose.

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